Monday, February 2, 2009

installing google earth

That was fairly simple... just went to the google earth site and downloaded the binary for the installer. Then I did
sh '/root/Download/GoogleEarthLinux.bin'
and it self extracted and installed the application. Just have to type googleearth to start the application from any terminal window or may like to create a short cut and leave it on the panel.
Note :- The double 'ee' in "googleearth" is not a typo. Also remember to switch off the atmosphere layer under the view menu option, when you start googleearth the first time, or it may look a bit odd!

I ran into a small problem when I click on the googleearth shortcut or the program menu icon under the Applications menu nothing seems to happen . I checked out with ps -ef | grep googleearth but it showed google earth isn't running. So what went wrong ? I opened up a term window and typed googleearth and it showed this :-
[root@localhost ~]# googleearth
Warning: Unable to create prefs directory '/root/.googleearth'. File exists.
Google Earth appears to be running already. Please kill the
existing process, or delete /root/.googleearth/instance-running-lock if this is an error.
I just removed the instance-running-lock file in my home dir and I was back in business as usual. Thanks good old terminal window ......!

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