Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Linux Vs Windoz

My system is dual boot - WinXP and Fedora.
I initially had fedora 8 and then tried on fedora 9. I was disappointed with it as there was no significant changes for a desktop user like me. I waited for fedora 10 and here I am trying the new distro out.....
I haven't booted into Windoz for the last 3 months or so. Never felt the need for it, fedora is just too good. But on the other hand, whenever I plan to do a new fedora install or an upgrade, it takes me a good about one / two days to customize the system and have all the peripherals - wlan, webcam, bluetooth etc working!
I am wondering.... why do I love Linux / OSS so much ?!?

Fixing the bug with network configuration....

There is a problema as in fed10, network config always set the netmask to the default gw.So I had to do the following :- open the /etc/sysconfig/network file and provide the following :-
Now open the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and specify :-

Restart the network service and remember to stop the network manager service from the runlevel. Otherwise, firefox always starts in offline mode.

Going along the path .....

Do you need the true type fonts MS style.....?
I have installed the microsoft true type fonts using the rpm (Note :- no yum here.).
I now have Arial, Times New Roman and all those fonts in openoffice 3.0 too.

Next is Adobe Reader and Flash plugin....
For the above installs through yum I have had to add the adobe's yum repo (this involves downloading the rpm for the repo installation and then doing a rpm -ivh on the rpm file). My yum.repo.d dir now has repos from fedora, rpmfusion and adobe.
yum install flash-plugin
(I read it somewhere, that if we donot have sound for the flash videos then we need :-
yum install libflashsupport)
For the adobe reader I used the following..
yum install AdobeReader_enu

GNOME MP3 Preview...
I love this feature.... preview MP3 files in GNOME when you hover the mouse over them.
yum install mpg321
Configure this option in GNOME, open the File Manager (Nautilus) and go to Edit > Preferences > Preview and do the necessary selection.

Remotely launching your applications on to a XServer across the network.....
Starting XClient applications across the network - You can create a XServer out of your linux distro by just listening for TCP connections and usign a xhost +ipAddress command.
Fedora 9 had a problem with the X server it couldnot be started to listen for tcp connections. Do a ps -ef |grep X and you should see the --nolistenTCP flag in front of the X server. That means any other user can't export his X client applcns to your xserver.
Fedora 10 has overcome that problem. Open the /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas and look for the DisallowTCP section and change the value from true to false. Now restart your XServer with a Ctrl + Alt + Backspace and you should be able to start X without the nolisten TCP option.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just startin.....

I have installed fedora 10 from the linux for you DVD. I think it will need some effort to get it fully functional the way I use my present fedora 8 i.e with compiz fusion, conky, cairo-dock, vlc, mp3 support, etc. So I am starting off......

I had a strange error whenever I used any rpm / yum commands :-
rpmdb: Thread/process 21524/3086247616 failed: Thread died in Berkeley DB library

Just did the following two commands and it resolved the problem
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
yum clean all
(Solution has reference to the following thread :- http://fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1144320)

Conky install was simple as I just did a yum install conky. I then used a custom config file which I copied off from my fedora 8 instln. I also added a script to start conky after GUI login by adding the script to System-> Preferences -> Personal -> Sessions -> Startup Programs. The script has just two lines in it :
sleep 10 && conky

Vlc doesnot run as root. I installed it from the rpmfusion repo. I will try to compile it from the tarball using the --enable-run-as-root=yes flag.

The runlevel 5 doesnot allow login as root. I had to comment out the following line in the /etc/pam.d/gdm file :-
auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
Every thing seems alright, only the login sound is still not working. The system sounds are there and also vlc and totem are working fine. Anyone has any idea of how to get the login sound with root. BTW it works when I use the normal/unprivileged user login.

Totem is gstreamer based. By default it can only play the vog orbis and theora files. By default with fedora 10 came plugins-base and good and flumpegdemux. To enable playing of the mp3 files I installed gstreamer-plugins-ugly. For quicktime .mov files I got plugins-bad and for xvids plugins-ffmpeg..... That was it.
Next will be